Representatives of State Authority for Geospatial Information , Mr. Michel Millja, Mrs. Denisa Kukaj of the Geoinformation Standards Sector and Mr. Erin Mlloja, the National GIS Sector participated in the Workshop on Use of Feature Manipulation Engine (FME) for the harmonization and implementation of geospatial data conforming to the geoinformation standards held on 01-04 October 2018, in Zagreb, Croatia.
This training aimed at gaining the skills in use of FME software on the harmonization and implementation of geospatial data conforming to the INSPIRE directive. Some of the most important issues covered by this training were:
• Basic knowledge in using the FME software (creation, processing and modeling of work processes).
• Interpretation of INSPIRE’s conceptual data modeling (UML-Language) according to the FME software (general elements).
•Harmonization of existing geospatial information according to data specification for geoinformation themes.