
Law no. 72/2012 “For the Organization and Opertation of the National Infrastucture of Geospital Information in the Republic of Albania”.


Draft Laws


Decisions of the Council of Ministers

DCM No. 547, dated 28.09.2023, for the approval of the document “State standards of the national GIS”.

DCM No. 147, dated 20.2.2013, For the Approval of the Regulation “On the Organization and Functioning of the State Authority for Geospatial Information”, amended by DCM No. 863, dated 27.12.2022.

DCM no. 402, dated 20.05.2020, For the approval of the policy document “On the Governance of the Geospatial Information Sector in Albania, 2020-2030”.

DCM no. 451, dated 3.7.2019, “For Uniform Rules of Geospatial Information Infrastructure”.

DCM no. 399, dated 19.06.2019, “Rules for the Exchange of Groups and Geospatial Data Services between Public Authorities”.

DCM no. 669, dated 7.8.2013, “For the Approval of the Rules for the Definition, Creation and Realization of the Albanian Geodetic Reference Framework (KRGJSH), as Metadata”, amended by DCM no. 322, dated 27.04.2016 and DCM no. 359 dated 29.05.2019 .

DCM No. 166, dated 1.03.2017 “On determining the responsible authority that administers the single minimum information point for infrastructure networks at the national level”.

DCM no. 38, dated 18.01.2017, “For the Approval of the Rules of Interoperability of Data, Data Groups and Geospatial Services” .

DCM no. 1077, dated 23.12.2015, On the approval of the regulation “For the Creation, Preservation and Update of Metadata, Cataloging Structure and Deadlines for the Creation of Specific Metadata for each Topic”.

DCM no. 942, dated 19.11.2015, For the approval of the regulation “On the Planning and Realization of Aerial Photography of the Territory of the Republic of Albania”.


Orders, Decisions, Instructions and Regulations

Prime Minister’s Order No. 40, dated 20.02.20 “On the Composition, Organization and Functioning of the Geospatial Information Board”, amended by Order no. 44, dated 28.03.2023.

Communication Plan

Order no. 52 dated 18.06.2021, On the approval of the Regulation “On the Protection, Processing, Storage and Security of Personal Data”.

Order no. 80, dated 17.11.2020 “On the approval of harmonized rules and standard working procedures, during the period of the epidemic caused by COVID-19 and the period of the school year 2020-2021”.

Order no. 15, dated 15.11.2019, On the approval of the “Regulation on Smoking Prohibition in the Institution of the State Authority for Geospatial Information – ASIG”.

Order no. 8, dated 31.08.2017, On the approval of the “Internal Regulation for the Functioning of the State Authority for Geospatial Information – ASIG”.

Instruction no. 4381/1, dated 22.9.2015 “On the Transformation of Coordinates from the Global Geodetic Reference Framework” Itrf2005 (Epoka 2007.2) “and the Albanian Geodetic System” Alb86 “in the European Geodetic Reference Framework” Etrf2000 (Epoka 2014.177) “and” Etrf2000 (Epoka ) ”.

Decision no. 28, dated 16.06.2015 “Code of Ethics of the State Authority for Geospatial Information”.

Decision no. 8 dated 26.05.2015, amended by Decision no. 5, dated 11.12.2019 “Regulation on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in the Exercise of Public Functions in the State Authority for Geospatial Information”.

Guide No. 3, dated 06.09.2013 “On the Determination of Geodetic Points with the Assistance of Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS)”.

Anti-corruption action plan for 2018-2020.