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NSDI according

to the INSPIRE Directive

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About Us


“ASIG” is the State Authority for Geospatial Information, established in accordance with Law No. 72/2012, “For the organization and operation of the national infrastructure of geospatial information
in the
Republic of Albania

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The national geoportal is a very important step in creating the infrastructure of geospatial data and will enable the public and users of this data to discover, view, and access the use of geospatial data in a very simple manner.


The National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) represents an integrated system of geospatial data, enabling users to identify and use spatial information obtained from various sources at both local and national levels comprehensively.


INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community) is an initiative initiated, developed, and adopted by the European Union on March 14, 2007, in collaboration with member states and associated countries.



ASIG (State Authority for Geospatial Information) is the authority responsible for the construction and maintenance of the Geodetic Reference Framework of Albania. The purpose of the Geodetic Reference Framework of Albania (KRGJSH) is to establish, through networks of control points and permanent stations based on its constituent components, a unique geodetic reference system through which the planimetric position, elevations, scale, gravity, and orientation are determined for every point in the territory of the Republic of Albania.