The seventh call of the Program is an opportunity for all young people aged 21 to 26 who have completed at least the first cycle of “Bachelor” studies and have not been part of the program in previous calls.
The application is done on the online platform until July 31, 2022, at the following link:
Regional workshop with mapping and cadastre agencies of Western Balkan, within the SPATIAL II project
On the premises of Tirana International Hotel, a workshop was organized on June 30 and July 1, within the SPATIAL II project, with the theme: “Strengthening professional access to information about land in the Western Balkan region”.
This workshop was attended by experts from Netherlands’ Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency (Kadaster) and heads of the SPATIAL II project, as well as representatives from mapping and cadastre agencies of Western Balkan.
Mr. Lorenc Çala, general director of the State Authority for Geospatial Information, in the role of host and co-organizer of this workshop, delivered the opening speech at this event.
Some of the issues addressed by the Dutch experts at this meeting were: registrations in the cadastre, charging of the services provided by the relevant agencies, innovation as well as developments of the NSDI in general.
The representatives of the Balkan agencies present in this workshop brought in their presentations, the achievements so far in the field of geoinformation, the problems encountered, their experiences in cooperation with the SPATIAL II project, and their future plans for the developments in the field of geospatial information as well as their expectation from this project.
Professional practice with Geodesy students
In the framework of the cooperation agreement between the Polytechnic University of Tirana and the State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG), the KRGJSH sector at ASIG, based on its work program, carried out on 9 and 10 June 2022, a professional internship with students of Geodesy of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (FIN), at the Polytechnic University of Tirana, on “Procedure for achieving high accuracy levelling”.
Students participating in this internship were introduced to the geodetic levelling equipment of class I, specifically with the Digital Level “Sokkia SDL1X”, Latv invar bar-code, slippers, etc., as well as the procedure for performing levelling accuracy high. During the professional internship on the premises of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (FIN), students participating in both Bachelor courses (BG-2A and BG-2B) were trained in the following processes:
- Sokkia SDL1X digital level controls
- Realization of the measurement of a round-trip leveling sector with several stations
Visit of the representatives of the German Institute at ASIG
A group of representatives of the Institute for Rural Development of Lower Franconia, in the Land of Bavaria, Germany, including geodetic engineers, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dhimitër Doka, from the Faculty of History and Philology, at the University of Tirana, realized a visit to the State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) on 30.05.2022.
The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the mission and achievements of ASIG for the establishment of the National Geospatial Information Infrastructure (NSDI), in the Republic of Albania.
The General Director of ASIG, Mr. Lorenc Çala, made a brief presentation of the developments that the geoinformation sector has had in Albania, the difficulties encountered by ASIG in its beginnings and the achievements of this institution in carrying out its mission.
The head of the Directorate of National GIS and Geoportal Mr. Klaudio Çollaku, in his presentation, introduced the visitors to the activity and steps taken by ASIG for the creation of NSDI in Albania.
ASIG executives then answered questions and interest from visitors who also took a closer look at the ASIG premises and got acquainted with the technologies used by the staff of this institution..
Closing conferences of cooperation between JICA and ASIG are organized
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) organized online, on November 4 and 5, the final conference of the project “Geospatial information for sustainable land development in Tirana-Durres area” as well as the Regional conference on geospatial information.
Invited to these conferences were the Ambassador of Japan in Albania, His Excellency Mr Takada Mitsuyuki, representatives of the JICA Balkans office, representatives of Balkan agencies covering geospatial information issues, representatives of municipalities involved in the project, government agencies using geospatial information, and representatives of academic world and private companies.
The main product of the project “Geospatial information for sustainable land development in the Tirana-Durres area” is the digital topographic map, scale 1: 2 000, covering a territory with an area of 300 km2, in the economic triangle Tirana-Durres, which is in accordance with the standards of the EU INSPIRE directive, has a very rich thematic content and high positional accuracy. This map gives ASIG, the public authorities responsible for geoinformation themes, as well as the local self-government units involved in the project area, a very important instrument in their daily work, and facilitates the processes related to planning, development and monitoring of the territory.
Another important product of this project is the transfer of technology for the production of digital maps, from JICA to ASIG, through the provision of the necessary equipment and software as well as training of ASIG staff, regarding the processes and procedures for the creation of digital maps its update, and service through publication on the National Geoportal.
Agencies of the Western Balkan countries that participated in the Regional Conference on Geospatial Information brought in their presentations, achievements so far in the field of geoinformation, experiences in cooperation with JICA, their future plans for developments in the field of geospatial information, as well as their expectation for other successful collaborations with the JICA team.
The meeting of the Geospatial Information Board on September 30, 2021″
On September 30, 2021, the online meeting of the Geospatial Information Board was held under the leadership of the Chairwoman of the Board, Ms. Majlinda Dhuka, Director of the Department for Development and Governance at the Prime Minister’s Office.
During this meeting, an overview of ASIG’s activities and achievements for the past period was presented. Additionally, national standards for the technical specifications of geospatial information in Albania were introduced and approved for the following topics:
Environmental monitoring infrastructure;
Agricultural and aquaculture infrastructure;
Industrial infrastructure;
Human health and safety;
Restricted use areas;
Ecological zones;
Species distribution;
Atmospheric conditions and meteorology;
The sixth call of the Program is an opportunity for all young people aged 21 to 26 who have completed at least the first cycle of “Bachelor” studies and have not been part of the program in previous calls.
The requested profiles, the number of admissions, and the online application can be found at the following link:
The State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG), based on Article 7, point b, of Law No. 72/2012, dated 28.06.2012, “On the organization and functioning of the national infrastructure of geospatial data in the Republic of Albania,” and Decision No. 669 of the Council of Ministers, dated 7.8.2013, “On the approval of the rules for determining, creating, and implementing the Albanian Geodetic Reference Framework (KRGJSH), as metadata,” amended, administers, manages, stores, and processes the data of the ALBCORS system, ensuring access for the public and interested parties.
Continuing efforts to provide and improve GNSS services of the ALBCORS system, ASIG informs all public and private institutions, professional individuals, and various companies or organizations that, starting from the month of March, access to GNSS services will only be possible through the registration of users with dedicated usernames and passwords.
Every user must obtain the appropriate credentials by completing the Application Form (click).
ASIG will respond to the application within 2 working days.
1st GEOBIZ project Advisory Committee meeting
1st GEOBIZ PAC meeting was held online on December 2nd, 2020. On the meeting, project coordinator prof. Željko Bačić gave presentation about the Erasmus+ GEOBIZ project, its goals, organization and tasks and provided information about PAC relevance, purpose, tasks and organization of work.
According GEOBIZ project description, each GEOBIZ Associated Partners delegated one member to GEOBIZ Project Advisory Committee and they are:
-Slobodanka Ključanin, Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina (FGU),
-Božidar Pavičević, Real estate administration of Montenegro (REA),
-Maria Ovdii, Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre of the Republic of Moldova (ALRC),
-Klaudio Çollaku, State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG)
-Esat Xani, Kosovo Cadastre Agency (KCA).
The chairperson for year two of the Project lifetime has been elected by Committee members. The PAC elected chairperson is Prof. Slobodanka Ključanin from Federal Geodetic Administration of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Also, project coordinator informed PAC members about the coming PAC activities and tasks. There are two main PAC focuses: Evaluation of project deliverables and Participation in coming Business-Academia cooperation activities. The first PAC evaluation report, giving PAC members view on four Project deliverables is expected to be delivered end of January 2021.
The State Authority for Geospatial Information signed a cooperation agreement with the Cadastral Agency of Kosovo
With a request from the State Authority for Geospatial Information, a delegation from the Cadastre Agency of Kosovo, led by the Executive Director, Mr. Avni Ahmeti, visited the premises of ASIG on October 23, 2020. The delegation from the Cadastre Agency of Kosovo was also joined by the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economy and Environment of the Republic of Kosovo, Ms. Burbuqe Bakija, with the aim of getting a closer look at the experiences and challenges of the institutions responsible for Geospatial Information Infrastructure in Albania and Kosovo. During the meeting, the leaders of ASIG presented the activities, projects, and challenges of the institution in building NSDI and highlighted the opportunities for cooperation between ASIG and AAK in the common challenges of the geoinformation field. The meeting was finalized with the signing of two cooperation agreements: – Cooperation Agreement in the field of Geospatial Information Infrastructure specifying the areas where cooperation between institutions can be deepened, such as geoinformation standards, exchange of experiences in professional fields, harmonization of geospatial data and their exchange. – Cooperation Agreement for the exchange of data from the ALBCORS and KOPOS geodetic networks for the use of the Active State Network Points of the Global Positioning System of the Republic of Albania (ALBCORS), by the Republic of Kosovo and the use of the permanent network points of the Republic of Kosovo (KOPOS) by the Republic of Albania. Through this cooperation, signal coverage will be provided for geodetic activities carried out in the border areas between the two countries.