Meeting between ASIG and the Regional Authority of the River Basins of Kosovo

State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) hosted in a working meeting the Regional Authority of the River Basins of Kosovo, which in cooperation with the Water Resources Management Agency in Albania were part of the activity that took place in Tirana, on June 10 and 11, 2024 , within the second meeting for the exchange and strengthening of institutional capacities between AMBU and ARBLK.

The purpose of this meeting was to acquaint the representatives of the Regional Authority of the River Basins of Kosovo with all the initiatives and successful collaborations realized between ASIG and AMBU.

 ASIG experts presented to them the data and geospatial information published in the National Geoportal as a result of the cooperation between ASIG and AMBU.

 Also of particular interest to the friends from Kosovo were the ASIG products obtained from the satellite service project, where the Director of the Remote Sensing Data Processing Directorate got to know more closely the progress of this project so far.

Visit of representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Land of Bavaria to ASIG

Një grup ekspertësh nga Ministria e Bujqësisë e Landit të Bavarisë bashkë me inxhinierët gjeodet të Organizatës për Digjitalizim dhe Rregullim të Territorit, në varësi të kësaj ministrie, zhvilluan sot nën drejtimin e Prof. Dr. Dhimitër Doka, nga Fakulteti i Historisë dhe Filologjisë, në Universitetin e Tiranës, një vizitë pranë Autoritetit Shtetëror për Informacionin Gjeohapësinor (ASIG).

Drejtori i Përgjithshëm i ASIG znj. Vilma Tomço i njohu vizitorët gjerman me hapat që ASIG ka ndërmarrë në krijimin dhe zhvillimin e NSDI në Shqipëri duke përmendur edhe disa prej arritjeve kryesore të ASIG në këto 10 vite punë të këtij institucioni.

Më pas z. Kristaq Qirko, Drejtor i Drejtorisë së Gjeodezisë dhe Hartografisë i ftoi vizitorët të ndjekin prezantimet e përgatitura nga ekspertët e ASIG me qëllim njohjen e tyre me arritjet e sektorëve të Kornizës Referuese Gjeodezike Shqiptare, (KRGJSH), Gjeoportalit Kombëtar, Përpunimin e të Dhënave Remote Sensing, Hartografisë dhe Fotogrametrisë të ASIG.

Në përfundim të kësaj vizite, drejtuesit e ASIG i ’u përgjigjën të gjitha pyetjeve dhe interesit të vizitorëve, të cilët patën mundësi të vizitojnë nga afër ambientet e ASIG dhe të njihen me teknologjitë me të cilat punon stafi i këtij institucioni.

Training with the technical staff of Librazhd municipality

The training took place on Friday 07.06.2024, in the premises of the Librazhd Municipality, with the aim of increasing the capacities of the technical staff of this municipality, with a focus on the use of geoinformation products.

Representatives from:

  • Directorate of Planning and Development of the Territory;
  • Directorate of Management and Administration of Forests and Pastures;
  • Directorate of Agriculture and Food;
  • Directorate of Public Security.

ASIG participates in the EUREF 2024 symposium

Representatives of the State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) from the Geodetic Reference Frame Sector and the CORS Systems Infrastructure Sector participated in the EUREF 2024 Symposium which took place in Barcelona, Spain, on 5-7 June 2024.

In this conference, topics of particular importance were discussed such as the realization, maintenance and use of European systems ETRS89, EVRS and the European Permanent Network EPN as well as their support and recommendations on the development and maintenance of National Geodetic Reference Frames.

ASIG, as a representative of Albania, one of the countries of the Eurasian plate, presented in this symposium the current status and the objectives for the future related to the KRGJSH Networks, with the main focus on the Gravimetric Geoid 2023v.1 and its future improvement, in function of determining the Vertical Geodetic Reference in Albania in accordance with EU standards (CRS-EU).

Training with the technical staff of Gramsh and Peqin Municipalities

The training with the technical staff of the Gramsh Municipality and the Peqin Municipality took place today in the premises of the Gramsh Municipality. ASIG experts had the opportunity to provide the attendees with more extensive knowledge and information on:

  • The use and functionalities of the National Geoportal;
  • Data collection according to geoinformation topics for: Administrative units and villages in their composition (order 4 and 5), Local road transport network;
  • Presentation of the products obtained from the Satellite Service project.

Training with the technical staff of the Municipality of Tirana

ASIG experts conducted today the second training session with the technical staff of the Municipality of Tirana with the participation of:

  • Administrative units in Tirana Municipality;
  • Directorate of Innovation, Development and GIS
  • General Directorate of Roads and Public Lighting;
  • General Directorate of Public Works Investments;
  • Directorate of Transport and Road Traffic;
  • Directorate of Shared Property and Communities Fund.

Those present during this training had the opportunity to get to know more closely:

1. Functionalities of the National Geoportal;

2. Data collection according to geoinformation topics for: Administrative units and the villages in their composition (order 4 and 5), Local road transport network;;

3. Presentation of the products obtained from the Satellite Service project.

ASIG participates in the opening conference of the “SOFTMOVE” project

State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG), represented by the General Director of ASIG Ms. Vilma Tomço and Mr. Dritan Prifti, Director of the Remote Sensing Data Processing Directorate, participated today in the conference held on the occasion of the launch of the project with the theme: “U-Space and UAS: Opportunities and challenges for the IPA area”, held in Bari Italy.

Part of the team participating in this conference from Albania were also RIC EIT Albania represented by Dr. Leidi Moisiu and SKAITECH led by Mr. Arbi Bamllari.

The “SOFTMOVE” project, which is based on the objectives of the Interreg IPA program, aims to strengthen cross-border cooperation, for a sustainable development of the territories involved with the aim of the pre-accession of Albania and Montenegro to the European Union.

This conference was organized in three main sessions where the attendees between presentations and discussions had the opportunity to get to know the impacts of the project and the partners that will be involved in this project, information on the U-Space era and UAS (Unnamed Areal System) as well as the testimonies and cross-border cooperation between interested parties.

Training with the technical staff of Cërrik and Belsh municipalities

Following the initiative undertaken by the State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) with the aim of increasing the capacities of the technical staff of the country’s municipalities, training took place yesterday on 📆 27.05.2024 with the technical staff of the Cërrik and Belsh municipalities, with the participation of representatives from:

  • Directorate of Planning, Control and Development of the Territory;
  • Directorate of Legal Aid and Territory Development;
  • Directorate of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Public Properties.

Training with representatives of the National Water and Sewerage Agency

ASIG experts from the National GIS sectors, the Geoinformation Standards Sector and the Satellite Imagery Processing Sector, on Friday 24.05.2024, in the premises of the Europa hall, conducted training on the use of geoinformation products with representatives of the National Agency of Water Supply and Sewerage.

The topics covered in this training are as follows:

  • Familiarity with the functionalities of the National Geoportal;
  • Data collection according to geoinformation topics;
  • Presentation on the products benefited from the Satellite Service project.

The workshop on “Pricing and open data” is held

In the premises of the Hotel, Butik Padam, was organized on May 23-24, within the SPATIAL II project, the workshop on the topic: “Pricing and open data”.

This workshop was attended by experts in the field of marketing from the Dutch Cadastre Authority, leaders of the SPATIAL II project, as well as representatives from all technical departments of ASIG.

The focus of this workshop was the provision of new knowledge by Dutch experts in order to organize the most complete and qualitative marketing of ASIG products.

During the development of this workshop, ASIG representatives had the opportunity to get to know the best practices conveyed by Dutch experts in the field of data marketing and geospatial services, as well as the direct demonstration of concrete examples with ASIG products.

General Director of ASIG Mrs. Vilma Tomço closely followed the presentations of findings from the working groups during this workshop, where she congratulated the Dutch experts and ASIG staff for the results achieved during this two-day workshop.