Meeting of the Geospatial Information Board, date 22.06.2023
All BIG members were present at this meeting.
Mr. Nufi in his opening speech thanked the attendees for their presence and emphasized the importance of this board in the development of the Geospatial Information Infrastructure as well as the priority and special attention that the Albanian Government has given to the follow-up of the project on Satellite Services and the benefits that the institutions are expected to have from this project.
The general director of ASIG, Mrs. Vilma Tomço introduced the attendees to the new structure of ASIG, the progress so far of the project “Monitoring the territory with advanced technology” and the steps taken by ASIG for the creation of the National Geospatial Information Infrastructure (NSDI).
The head of the National GIS sector Mr. In his presentation, Erin Mlloja presented the modules that will be part of the National GIS as well as geospatial data, thematic systems and geospatial services that will make it possible to provide information to users.
After this presentation, BIG members expressed their approval for the adoption of the National GIS State Standards document.

ASIG participates in Bilateral Screening-Chapter 27 on Environment and Climate Changes
State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG), represented by Mr. Claudio Çollaku, Director of the National GIS and Geoportal Directorate and Ivis Noçka, Director of the Research, Development and Innovation Directorate, participated in the Bilateral Screening-Chapter 27, on the Environment and climate changes, which is taking place in Brussels on 19-23 June 2023.
The INSPIRE Directive, 2007/2/EC aligned by law no. 72/2012, “On the Organization and Operation of the National Infrastructure of Geospatial Information in the Republic of Albania”, is part of the sub-chapter Horizontal Legislation, of Chapter 27. Mr Çollaku presented at this meeting the steps taken to approximate legislation and implement the INSPIRE Directive in Albania.
He made a detailed presentation of the entire progress of this process, starting with the geoinformation standards approved by the Decision of the Council of Ministers, for 31 of the 35 topics of Article 11 of Law No. 72/2012, the work done for the implementation of these standards, cooperation and support for the public authority responsible for geoinformation, as well as the essential role that ASIG’s international collaborators had in the smooth running of this process. Mr Çollaku also presented the services offered in the National Geoportal of ASIG, the geospatial information that is enabled in this geoportal as well as the ever increasing number of its users.
At the end of the presentation were presented the plans and objectives that ASIG has in the future for developing the National Spatial Data Infrastructure.

Meetings continue on the implementation progress of the project “Monitoring the territory with advanced technology”
The meetings organized by the Directorate of Territorial Information Processing with Advanced Technology at the State Authority for Geospatial Information continue, with the aim of the successful implementation of the project “Monitoring the territory with advanced technology” as well as the inclusion and increase of the technical capacities of public authorities responsible, the beneficiary of this project.
During this week, this directorate held meetings with the following institutions:
- The Prime Minister’s Office;
- Water Resources Management Agency;
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;
- Ministry of the Interior;
- General Directorate of the State Police;
- General Directorate of Fire Protection and Rescue;
- General Directorate of Civil Status;
- National Inspectorate of Territory Protection.

ASIG participates in the conference of the Pan-European Network of Education and Research, TNC23
State Authority for Geospatial Information participated in one of the activities organized within the 5-day conference of the Pan-European Network of Education and Research, TNC23, where this year about 730 representatives from 58 different countries of the world participated..
This activity was organized on June 9, in the premises of the Polytechnic University of Tirana by the Albanian Academic Network, which was also the host of TNC23, one of the largest and most important networks in the field of information technology.
The focus of this activity was the use of different digital platforms in Albania.
The director of the National GIS and Geoportal directorate Mr. Claudio Çollaku, introduced the attendees to the functionality of the ASIG National Geoportal and the facilities that create the services that this platform offers to all users of geoinformation.

The implementation progress of the project “Monitoring the territory with advanced technology”.
Directorate of Territorial Information Processing with Advanced Technology at the State Authority for Geospatial Information, to successfully implement the project “Monitoring the territory with advanced technology” as well as within the initiative for the inclusion and increase of the technical capacities of public authorities responsible for beneficiary of the project, held a meeting with public authorities in the premises of the Europa hall on 08.06.2023 regarding the progress of the implementation of this project.
Present at this meeting were representatives of institutions that have expressed interest in the satellite service project, as follows:
- Defence Intelligence and Security Agency
- National Civil Defence Agency
- National Environment Agenc
- National Agency of Protected Areas
- State Cadastre Agency
The working group headed by the Director of the Directorate of Territorial Information Processing with Advanced Technology Mr. Dritan Prifti introduced the attendees to:
- The implementation progress of the project “Monitoring the territory with advanced technology”
- Advanced image analysis using artificial intelligence.
- The use of satellite images for specific issues.
- Visualization of data from responsible public authorities.
During this meeting, there were interactive discussions on the current state of the technical infrastructure of institutions interested in the Satellite service project.

ASIG on retreat
State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) organized a “Team Building” retreat on June 2, 2023, within the framework of the analysis of the work of the ASIG staff, for the period of the first 4 months of 2023, with a focus on jointly discussing the progress so far and better work planning.
In order to::
- Encouraging and creating good relationships in the team;
- Temporary departure from work routine;
- Reflection on new challenges;
- Discussion on various institutional issues, at a much deeper level than is possible in office environments;
This activity served as the key to success in creating an inclusive, trusting work environment where open communication & collaboration is constantly encouraged.
The new work dynamics at ASIG require a strong team spirit and we are ready to face any challenge

ASIG participates in the EUREF 2023 Symposium
At the symposium organized by EUREF the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) Reference Frame Sub-Commission for Europe, which was held in Gothenburg, Sweden, on May 23-26, 2023, the State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG), was represented by Mr Oltjon Balliu, responsible for the Geodetic Reference Frame sector and Mr Luciano Kasneci, specialist in this sector. The purpose of this symposium was to cover the activities of EUREF such as the realization, maintenance and use of the European systems ETRS89, EVRS and the European Permanent Network EPN as well as support for the Balkan countries in the development of Geodetic Reference Frames.
The representatives of ASIG in their presentations at this meeting brought to the attendees information on the current status of the Albanian Geodetic Reference Frame and the objectives that ASIG has in the future for the construction and development of the 5 (five) main networks that compound KRGJSH.
Also at the EUREF 2023 symposium, were approved the resolutions on:
- Improving consistency between the latest ETRS89 implementation, especially between ETRF2014 and ETRF2020 recognizing the benefits of harmonizing the reference frames used by countries within Europe.
- The products (coordinates and time series) of the EUREF Reference Frame should be expressed in the last realization of ITRS/IGS20.
- Updating the metadata of the EPN reference stations (coordinates and tropospheric products) in order to enable the calculation of the third campaign of the permanent EUREF network “EPN-Repro3” from the EPN analysis centers

The training of the responsible public authorities on the use of the National Geoportal and the standardization of geospatial data continue
Experts of State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) from the sectors of the National GIS, the National Geoportal and the sector of Geoinformation Standards, continue training within the initiative to increase the technical capacities of the staff of public authorities responsible for geoinformation with the agencies of the following:
- National Territorial Planning Agency;
- National Institute of Cultural Heritage
- Transport Institute;
- National Forestry Agency;
- General Directorate of Civil Status;

Meeting with local and international experts of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
The general director of the State Authority for Geospatial Information Ms. Vilma Tomço held a working meeting with the Swiss expert Mrs. Lea Moser and Mr. Rikard Luka
The object of this meeting was to share views on the further improvement of the implementation of the Build Back Better project in Albania.
This project was implemented for the first time as part of the aid that the Swiss Government offered to our country during the reconstruction period, to help families affected by the 2019 earthquake, in the municipalities of Shijak and Kurbin.
This project pursues its mission to reassess Albania’s current priority needs, at the national and local level, and at the same time identify areas to contribute with technical assistance, capacity building measures/actions to further improve policies and framework institutional compliance with EU building codes as well as to support the implementation of legislation related to the construction of residential buildings to improve prevention and reduce risk.
The potential intervention, to be supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), will be fully in line with the objectives and strategic priorities of the national risk assessment and the National Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction 2023-2030, which was recently approved by the Albanian Government.

The construction of a 1:2 000 scale topographical map is still ongoing
Following the completion of the 1:2 000 scale topographic map, the Cartography Sector at the State Authority for Geospatial Information is in the process of preparing data for an area of 49 km2, which lies in the eastern part of Tirana and the northern part of Durres.
This sector finished the field data verification phase in April in order to improve the quality and complete the datasets with elements that have the relevant attributes for each layer of geoinformation.
The information gathered in the field includes topographic data features such as:
- Verification of hydraulic works such as bridges, tombinos, and pits, as well as assessment of canal, stream, watershed, and river typologies;
- Correcting and classifying various objects such as residential, industrial, agricultural, administrative, religious, educational, and so on
- Collecting and correcting geographic designations for residential centres, buildings, and so on, based on technical specifications for the creation of a 1: 2,000 scale topographic map.