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ASIG, in the role of the responsible public authority, has created and published on the National Geoportal the geospatial information on the topic “Geographic Names”. The published information is in full compliance with the standard approved by VKM no. 142, dated 22.02.2017 “For the Approval of the Document State Standards for Technical Specifications of Geospatial Information in Albania – Topic: “Geographical Names”.

The published information contains three categories of data which are:

1.Official residences in the Republic of Albania (Towns-Villages). The total number of points processed for the entire territory of the Republic of Albania is 3056. The information collected and processed was taken from the maps of the Territorial Administrative Division of Local Government Units in the Republic of Albania of 2014.

2. Relief, the total number of processed points for the entire territory of the Republic of Albania is 9926. The information for this category is collected from topographic maps of scale 1:25 000, refined with maps of scale 1:10 000. Elements of relief are divided into several types and are presented in the attribute “LlojiLokal” such as: field, field, tail, bank, rib, bunishte, chuka, face, field, pit, mouth, stone, hauz, shadow, island, etc.

3.Hydrography – the total number of processed points for the entire territory of the Republic of Albania is 5157. The elements of this category are of several types and are presented in the attribute “Local Type” such as: stream, lake, catchment, reservoir, river, channel, etc. The published information is very important and helps the users of the National Geoportal, public institutions, business and citizens and combined with the information on other geoinformation topics creates an added value of the National Geospatial Information Infrastructure in Albania.

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