The general director of the State Authority for Geospatial Information Ms. Vilma Tomço held a working meeting with the Swiss expert Mrs. Lea Moser and Mr. Rikard Luka
The object of this meeting was to share views on the further improvement of the implementation of the Build Back Better project in Albania.
This project was implemented for the first time as part of the aid that the Swiss Government offered to our country during the reconstruction period, to help families affected by the 2019 earthquake, in the municipalities of Shijak and Kurbin.
This project pursues its mission to reassess Albania’s current priority needs, at the national and local level, and at the same time identify areas to contribute with technical assistance, capacity building measures/actions to further improve policies and framework institutional compliance with EU building codes as well as to support the implementation of legislation related to the construction of residential buildings to improve prevention and reduce risk.
The potential intervention, to be supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), will be fully in line with the objectives and strategic priorities of the national risk assessment and the National Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction 2023-2030, which was recently approved by the Albanian Government.