The State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG), in the 4-year period of its operation, has taken important steps in the realization of its mission, the construction of the National Infrastructure of Geospatial Information in the Republic of Albania, based on Law No. 72/2012, dated 28.06.2012, “On the Organization and Operation of the National Geospatial Information Infrastructure in the Republic of Albania”. One of the most important achievements of ASIG is the construction of the National Geoportal, which provides network services, in full compliance with Law 72/2012 and Directive 2007/2/EC “INSPIRE”, of the European Parliament and Council. The National Geoportal offers institutions, business, the public and any other interested parties geospatial data and services for a number of topics of Article 11 of Law 72/2012, which you can find in the material below. More information about published data and services can be found on the metadata of each layer, in the catalog of metadata published in the National Geoportal (https://geoportal.asig.gov.al/geonetwork)
List of data published in the National Geoportal