Based on the decision of the Council of Ministers no. 395, dated 29.04.2015, “On the approval of the national program of work practices in the state administration and other public institutions,” amended, the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Youth announces the opening of the fourth call for the National Internship Program.
The application deadline is from February 8 to February 28, 2019.
The application is open to young professionals aged 21 to 26 who hold at least a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
The duration of the National Internship Program will be three months.
Details about the required profiles, the number of placements, and other information can be found on the dedicated link:
Participants will engage in an integrated work experience and interaction with career professionals in public administration, aiming to gain a qualifying experience that contributes to the development of their professional skills and practical expressions.
Dokumentet për aplikim:
a- CV
b-Diploma of completion of higher education studies;
c-Grade list;
d-A motivational letter
The application will be submitted online at the following link:
Professional training for ArcGIS Pro
In the training organized in the Europa Hall from January 9th to 11th, 2019, by GDi Albania, with funding from JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), within the framework of the project that ASIG (State Authority for Geospatial Information) has with this agency, representatives from the National GIS Sector and the Cartography Sector of the State Authority for Geospatial Information participated.
This training focused on acquiring skills in using the ArcGIS Pro software, which is crucial in the activities of these sectors.
ASIG Analysis of 2018
In the premises of the Europa Hall, on January 14, 2019, the annual analysis of ASIG for the year 2018 was conducted.
The General Director of the State Authority for Geospatial Information, Mr. Lorenc Çala, thanked all the members of the ASIG staff for their work and maximum commitment in achieving the major objectives of ASIG for the past year.
Subsequently, the respective directors of ASIG presented the achievements and products of each sector, as well as the challenges encountered in their realization.
Call for expression of interest for the employment of recent graduates
Job Vacancies for the executive level at ASIG for the year 2019.
1. Degree Type: “Geodesy/Geoinformatics” – Minimum degree level: “Bachelor”, Sector of Standards for Geoinformation, Directorate of GIS and Geoportal, State Authority for Geospatial Information . –1 Specialist.
2.Degree Type: “Geodesy/Geoinformatics/Urban Planning” – Minimum degree level: “Bachelor”, National GIS Sector, Directorate of GIS and Geoportal, State Authority for Geospatial Information – 1 Specialist.
3.Degree Type: “Geodesy/Topogeodesy” – Minimum degree level: Bachelor, Geodetic Reference Framework Sector, Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography, State Authority for Geospatial Information – 1 Specialist.
4. Degree Type: “Geodesy/Topogeodesy” – Minimum degree level: Bachelor, Remote Sensing Sector, Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography, State Authority for Geospatial Information – 2 Specialist.
The deadline for submitting documents is January 27, 2019.
More information about the criteria you need to meet and the application process can be found on the official website of the Department of Public Administration at the following link:
Participation in the Second Interactive Forum of Innovators for Drought BRIGAID/AKPT
Collaborative Meeting of National Stakeholders within the Framework of the Regional Initiative, GEO-CRADLE
In the framework of the GEO-CRADLE project, funded by the European Union’s HORIZON 2020 Program, the Institute for Nature Conservation (INCA) in Albania, in collaboration with the State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG), organized a meeting on December 19, 2018, with national institutional stakeholders to engage them in regional initiatives for land observation and monitoring.
The purpose of this meeting was to present the achievements of this regional initiative coordinated by the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), aiming at the possibility of utilizing the national network of key stakeholders who practically use geospatial data in their operations, as well as applying statistical models for land observation and monitoring.
Part of this initiative is the nomination of ASIG as the GEO program focal point for Albania, to create opportunities for information, access, and collaboration through this program with partners in the Balkan region, Europe, and beyond.
ASIG Director, Mr. Lorenc Çala, in his welcoming speech, emphasized the steps taken to build the National Geospatial Information Infrastructure and the need for collaboration with national, regional, and European initiatives in the field of geoinformation.
The Director of the National GIS and Geoportal Directorate at ASIG, Mr. Klaudio Çollaku, gave a presentation during this meeting highlighting the responsibilities and achievements of this authority, as well as the reasons why ASIG can serve as the GEO program focal point for Albania..
Seminar on National Cybersecurity
At the seminar on “National Cyber Security, CERT/CSIRT Framework & Activities” organized by the National Authority for Electronic Certification and Cyber Security (AKCESK) in collaboration with KISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency), specialists from the National Geospatial Information Authority (ASIG), specifically from the National Geoportal sector, were present.
Some of the key issues addressed in this seminar were:
1. Information security challenges in the digital technology world.
2. Colossal effects and damages in monetary values resulting from cyber attacks.
3. Types and categories of risks most encountered on the internet.
4. The security provided by KISA with its products to protect users.
5.The experience offered by KISA experts in eliminating risks arising from cyber attacks.
The IPA DRAM Project Steering Committee Meeting
Mr. Dritan Prifti, Head of the Remote Sensing Sector at ASIG, participated in the Steering Committee meeting of the “IPA DRAM” Project (Disaster Risk Assessment and Mapping), held on November 15, 2018, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This activity involved leaders of civil protection agencies, institutions for risk and disaster management, as well as representatives from institutions playing a key role in the implementation of this project.
The aim of the project is to establish effective, coherent, and EU-oriented national systems for collecting data on losses due to natural disasters, risk assessment, and mapping, as well as extending and integrating them into the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism.
During this meeting, the ASIG representative informed attendees about the main achievements of the institution in its coordinating role for building geospatial information infrastructure in Albania. He also highlighted the services provided through the National Geoportal, where all geospatial information produced by public institutions is published.
Access to this data is crucial for creating a risk map and the Regional Electronic Risk Atlas (ERRA), which is one of the main products of this project.
Workshop on the use of photogrammetry “Summit Evolution”, “Match-AT”, “Ortho Vista” and “Microstation” softwares
At the workshop organized under the premises of the State Authority for Geospatial Information, on 28.10-01.11.2018, attended by representatives of the Remote Sensing Sector in ASIG, with the assistance of a specialist of the Norwegian Cartography and Cadastre Authority(Statens Kartverk).
This training focused on the use of “Summit Evolution”, “Match-AT”, “Ortho Vista” and “Microstation” photogrammetric softwares.
The training program offered basic knowledge on the photogrammetric softwares, their functionalities, the efficiency and the creation of a 1994 air photography project.
The project was designed to create the Ortofoto of 1994, for a pilot area, with historical photographs of the city of Tirana, taken from the 1994 air flight.
Following the completion of the pilot project, with the assistance of the Norwegian specialists of Statens Kartverk, is working to set up the Ortofoto of 1994 for the whole territory of the Republic of Albania.
Participation in the workshop on “Understanding Natural Risks in the Balkans”
In the workshop on “Understanding Natural Risk in the Balkans”, held on 17-19 September 2018, in Belgrade, Serbia, the State Authority for Geospatial Information was represented by Mr. Michel Millja head of Geoinformation Standards Sector .
The purpose of this workshop was to provide a discussion forum among the Balkan countries to share best experiences regarding: risk management, dealing with the natural risks of the future, developing risk management technology, such as and the social, physical and financial impact of natural disasters. This workshop was facilitated by the Government of Serbia in cooperation with the World Bank.
Following this meeting on September 21, 2018, at the premises of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, Tirana, was held a workshop on “Climate Resilient Road Asset in Albania”, in this workshop three issues were discussed:
– Progress and preliminary results of Risk analysis for climate resilient road assets in Albania.
– Floods analysis, landslides and seismicities analysis .
– Presentation of risk maps, risk analysis and economic impact analysis.