ASIG participates in the EUREF 2024 symposium

Representatives of the State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) from the Geodetic Reference Frame Sector and the CORS Systems Infrastructure Sector participated in the EUREF 2024 Symposium which took place in Barcelona, Spain, on 5-7 June 2024.

In this conference, topics of particular importance were discussed such as the realization, maintenance and use of European systems ETRS89, EVRS and the European Permanent Network EPN as well as their support and recommendations on the development and maintenance of National Geodetic Reference Frames.

ASIG, as a representative of Albania, one of the countries of the Eurasian plate, presented in this symposium the current status and the objectives for the future related to the KRGJSH Networks, with the main focus on the Gravimetric Geoid 2023v.1 and its future improvement, in function of determining the Vertical Geodetic Reference in Albania in accordance with EU standards (CRS-EU).

Training with the technical staff of Gramsh and Peqin Municipalities

The training with the technical staff of the Gramsh Municipality and the Peqin Municipality took place today in the premises of the Gramsh Municipality. ASIG experts had the opportunity to provide the attendees with more extensive knowledge and information on:

  • The use and functionalities of the National Geoportal;
  • Data collection according to geoinformation topics for: Administrative units and villages in their composition (order 4 and 5), Local road transport network;
  • Presentation of the products obtained from the Satellite Service project.

Training with the technical staff of the Municipality of Tirana

ASIG experts conducted today the second training session with the technical staff of the Municipality of Tirana with the participation of:

  • Administrative units in Tirana Municipality;
  • Directorate of Innovation, Development and GIS
  • General Directorate of Roads and Public Lighting;
  • General Directorate of Public Works Investments;
  • Directorate of Transport and Road Traffic;
  • Directorate of Shared Property and Communities Fund.

Those present during this training had the opportunity to get to know more closely:

1. Functionalities of the National Geoportal;

2. Data collection according to geoinformation topics for: Administrative units and the villages in their composition (order 4 and 5), Local road transport network;;

3. Presentation of the products obtained from the Satellite Service project.

Training with the technical staff of Cërrik and Belsh municipalities

Following the initiative undertaken by the State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) with the aim of increasing the capacities of the technical staff of the country’s municipalities, training took place yesterday on 📆 27.05.2024 with the technical staff of the Cërrik and Belsh municipalities, with the participation of representatives from:

  • Directorate of Planning, Control and Development of the Territory;
  • Directorate of Legal Aid and Territory Development;
  • Directorate of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Public Properties.

Training with representatives of the National Water and Sewerage Agency

ASIG experts from the National GIS sectors, the Geoinformation Standards Sector and the Satellite Imagery Processing Sector, on Friday 24.05.2024, in the premises of the Europa hall, conducted training on the use of geoinformation products with representatives of the National Agency of Water Supply and Sewerage.

The topics covered in this training are as follows:

  • Familiarity with the functionalities of the National Geoportal;
  • Data collection according to geoinformation topics;
  • Presentation on the products benefited from the Satellite Service project.

Training with the technical staff of the municipalities of Vlora and Selenica

More knowledge for the technical staff of the Municipalities of Vlora and Selenica throughout yesterday, in the use of the National Geoportal and GIS applications, in order to create and publish geospatial data in the National Geoportal as well as providing knowledge on the products obtained from the Service project Satellite.

During this training, ASIG experts discussed with the attendees the topics related to:

  • The use of new modules and functionalities of the improved system of the National Geoportal such as: editor module, georeferencing module, map functionalities, metadata catalog, network services, etc.
  • The use of basic layers for the creation and updating of geospatial data from GIS applications using the network services of the National Geoportal.
  • Technical assistance of specific requirements regarding systems and data in the field of geoinformation.
  • Harmonization and standardization of geospatial data according to geoinformation topics.

Training with the technical staff of Himare municipality

In the wake of the trainings with the technical staffs of the local government units, the State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) developed the training in order to increase the capacities of the technical staffs of the Himar Municipality.

Representatives from:

  • Directorate of Agriculture, Forestry, Pastures and Irrigation;
  • Directorate of Services and Maintenance;
  • Directorate of Asset Management;
  • Directorate of Human Resources.

Training on geoinformation with agencies under the Ministry of Tourism and Environment

Training with agencies under the Ministry of Tourism and Environment took place today in the premises of the EUROPA hall with the participation of representatives from the National Agency of Protected Areas (AKZM), the National Environment Agency (AKM), the National Forestry Agency (AKP) and National Coastal Agency (AKB).

Experts from the State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) addressed the following topics with the attendees:

1. Using the functionalities of the National Geoportal (accessing orthoimages, downloading them, organizing data according to the specifics of each institution, creating maps for different uses, identifying environmental indicators, updating data, etc.),

2.  Processing of satellite images for various environmental purposes,

3.  Standardization of geospatial data.

Training with the technical staff of Mallakastër, Patos and Roskovec Municipalities


The trainings continue within the initiative undertaken by ASIG with the aim of increasing the capacities of the technical staff of the local government units.ASIG experts conducted yesterday the training with the technical staffs of Mallakastër, Patos and Roskovec Municipalities.

The topics covered in this training were:

    1. Acquaintance with the functionalities of the National Geoportal;
    2. Data collection according to geoinformation topics for: Administrative units and the villages in their composition (order 4 and 5), Local road transport network;
    3. Presentation of the products obtained from the Satellite Service Project


Training with the technical staff of Fier Municipality


Trainings continue with the technical staff of local government units in order to provide knowledge in the use of the National Geoportal and GIS applications, in order to create, update and publish geospatial data in the National Geoportal, as well as knowledge on the products obtained from the Satellite Service project.

The experts of State Authority for Geospatial Information conducted today the training with the technical staff of Fier Municipality where representatives from:

  • Directorate of Infrastructure Projects;
  • Directorate of Finance, Budget and Accounting;
  • Directorate of Planning and Development of the Territory;
  • Directorate of the Address System, Public Transport and Road Signage;
  • Directorate of Programming and Control of Public Works and Investments.