At the XI Regional Cadastre and Infrastructure Information Conference held in Budva on May 30-31, 2018, with the invitation of the Real Estate Administration of Montenegro were also present representatives of the State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) headed by the General Director, Lorenc Çala.
The topic of the conference was “The use of Geospatial Data in the Development of the Digital Society, Challenges and Perspectives” a topic that is very present both for our region, the Western Balkans and the rest of Europe.
At this conference, representatives of ASIG presented plans and vision for the future use of geospatial data, planned projects and the challenges that have been faced .
At the end of the Conference, was reached on the conclusion that is needed further growth and expansion of cooperation with international institutions and associations for the purpose of exchanging knowledge based on experience and standards, as well as direct support in the preparation and implementation of projects.
Institucionet pjesëmarrëse shprehën vlerësimin për donatorët dhe shoqatat ndërkombëtare si dhe besimin për bashkëpunim të mëtejshëm në të ardhmen.