Realization of 360° georeferenced photography of the national road network, Thuman-Kashar axis

Immediately after the opening of the Thuman-Kashar road axis, the first highway of category A in Albania, ASIG carried out 360o photographs of this axis, with the aim of including it in the fund of national road axes covered with panoramic photographs georeferenced with advanced technology with Street View 360° cameras.

The axis covered by photography has a length of 50 km (in both directions) and is published on the National Geoportal of ASIG.

Agreement between ASIG and ASPA is signed

Inter-institutional cooperation agreement between State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) and Albanian School of Public Administration (ASPA) was signed today.

The heads of these two institutions Mrs. Vilma Tomço, General Director of ASIG and Mrs. Arlinda Hoti, Delegate Director of ASPA, signed this bilateral cooperation agreement at the premises of ASIG, which represents an essential step in increasing technical skills in the field of geoinformation within the Public Administration of Albania.

Thanks to this cooperation, it is aimed;

  • Providing joint training programs, taking into account the combined expertise of these institutions;
  • Development of curricula in the field of geoinformation, to meet the specific needs of Public Administration professionals.
  • Increasing capacities, thanks to the organization of training programs to strengthen the competencies of Public Administration employees in the field of geoinformation.

This cooperation, based on the legal framework, ensures effective implementation and mutual benefit for both institutions. ASIG and ASPA are committed to advancing the capabilities of the public sector through innovative and integrated solutions in the field of geoinformation.

Meeting within the project between AKMC and JICA

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<p>Leaders of the State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG), headed by the General Director, held an informational meeting with representatives of the  Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA) Regional Office and the National Civil Protection Agency (AKMC) today, in the premises of the Europa Hall, in the framework of the project “For capacity building for the National Forest Fire Information System (NFIS) and nature-based solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction (Nbs_DRR)”.</p>
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<p>During this visit, the representatives of the JICA Regional Office accompanied by the AKMC staff presented the core team that will be engaged in the implementation of this project, in order to get to know the main implementing institutions of this initiative, thus marking the beginning of the activities of the project.</p>
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Training with the technical staff of Dibër and Bulqiza Municipalities

Among the technical staff of Dibër and Bulqizë Municipalities in the training carried out on 📆 June 25, 2024, in the premises of Dibër Municipality with the aim of increasing their capacities in the use of geoinformation products.

During this training, ASIG experts had the opportunity to get to know the attendees better with;

1. Functionalities of the National Geoportal;

2. Data collection according to geoinformation topics for: Administrative units and villages in their composition (order 4 and 5), Local road transport network;

3. Presentation of the products obtained from the Satellite Service project.

The realization of 360° georeferenced photography of the national road network follows

In order to create georeferenced panoramic photos of national road axes with advanced technology, with Street View 360° cameras, and their continuous updating, ASIG has carried out the photography and publication on the National Geoportal of road axes:


  1. “Kalimash – Qafë Mali – Bajram Curr – Valbonë – Qafë Morinë – Qafë Prush – Has – Kukës”,

  The length of the axis covered with 360° photos is 286 km.

2. “Kalldrun – Koplik – Razëm – Theth”

  The length of the axis covered with 360° photos is 85 km.

Training with the technical staff of Kuka and Has municipalities

In order to increase the capacities of the technical staff of the local government units, ASIG experts conducted today the training with the technical staff of the Kuka and Has Municipalities.   Based on the increasing interest and demands for geoinformation products, representatives from ASHK Kukës Local Directorate, ASHK Tropojë Local Office, and representatives of the technical staff of Kukës and Has Municipalities participated in this training:  
    • Directorate of Planning, Control and Development of the Territory;
    • Directorate of Civil Emergencies;
    • Directorate of Forests and Pastures;;
    • Directorate of Agriculture
    • Bicaj Administrative Unit;
    • Transversal Administrative Unit;
    • Directorate of Urban Planning.

Training with the technical staff of Delvinë, Konispol and Finić Municipalities

The trainings continue within the initiative undertaken by ASIG with the aim of increasing the capacities of the technical staff of the local government units. Training took place today with the technical staffs of Delvinë, Konispol and Finić Municipalities.

ASIG experts had the opportunity to provide the attendees with more extensive knowledge and information on:

  • The use and functionalities of the National Geoportal;
  • MData collection according to geoinformation topics for: Administrative units and villages in their composition (order 4 and 5), Local road transport network;
  • Presentation of the products obtained from the Satellite Service project.

Training with the technical staff of Saranda Municipality

Technical staff of the Directorate of Territorial Planning, the Directorate of Public Services and Civil Emergencies, the Directorate of Agriculture, Forestry and Pasture and the Directorate of Projects in the Saranda Municipality conducted today on 18.06.2024, in the premises of this municipality, under the assistance of experts from ASIG training on;
    • The use and functionalities of the National Geoportal;
    • Data collection according to geoinformation topics for: Administrative units and villages in their composition (order 4 and 5), Local road transport network;
    • Presentation of the products obtained from the Satellite Service project.

Meeting between ASIG and the Regional Authority of the River Basins of Kosovo

State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) hosted in a working meeting the Regional Authority of the River Basins of Kosovo, which in cooperation with the Water Resources Management Agency in Albania were part of the activity that took place in Tirana, on June 10 and 11, 2024 , within the second meeting for the exchange and strengthening of institutional capacities between AMBU and ARBLK.

The purpose of this meeting was to acquaint the representatives of the Regional Authority of the River Basins of Kosovo with all the initiatives and successful collaborations realized between ASIG and AMBU.

 ASIG experts presented to them the data and geospatial information published in the National Geoportal as a result of the cooperation between ASIG and AMBU.

 Also of particular interest to the friends from Kosovo were the ASIG products obtained from the satellite service project, where the Director of the Remote Sensing Data Processing Directorate got to know more closely the progress of this project so far.

Visit of representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Land of Bavaria to ASIG

Një grup ekspertësh nga Ministria e Bujqësisë e Landit të Bavarisë bashkë me inxhinierët gjeodet të Organizatës për Digjitalizim dhe Rregullim të Territorit, në varësi të kësaj ministrie, zhvilluan sot nën drejtimin e Prof. Dr. Dhimitër Doka, nga Fakulteti i Historisë dhe Filologjisë, në Universitetin e Tiranës, një vizitë pranë Autoritetit Shtetëror për Informacionin Gjeohapësinor (ASIG).

Drejtori i Përgjithshëm i ASIG znj. Vilma Tomço i njohu vizitorët gjerman me hapat që ASIG ka ndërmarrë në krijimin dhe zhvillimin e NSDI në Shqipëri duke përmendur edhe disa prej arritjeve kryesore të ASIG në këto 10 vite punë të këtij institucioni.

Më pas z. Kristaq Qirko, Drejtor i Drejtorisë së Gjeodezisë dhe Hartografisë i ftoi vizitorët të ndjekin prezantimet e përgatitura nga ekspertët e ASIG me qëllim njohjen e tyre me arritjet e sektorëve të Kornizës Referuese Gjeodezike Shqiptare, (KRGJSH), Gjeoportalit Kombëtar, Përpunimin e të Dhënave Remote Sensing, Hartografisë dhe Fotogrametrisë të ASIG.

Në përfundim të kësaj vizite, drejtuesit e ASIG i ’u përgjigjën të gjitha pyetjeve dhe interesit të vizitorëve, të cilët patën mundësi të vizitojnë nga afër ambientet e ASIG dhe të njihen me teknologjitë me të cilat punon stafi i këtij institucioni.