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The State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG), in collaboration with the Faculty of Civil Engineering (FIN), organized a workshop on July 3, 2019, at the ASIG premises, in the “Europe” hall, with the theme “BESTSDI Albania.” The workshop was attended by ASIG officials as well as students and faculty members from the Department of Geodesy at the Faculty of Civil Engineering (FIN).

The purpose of this workshop was to highlight the steps taken towards the establishment of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) in the Republic of Albania, within the framework of implementing the INSPIRE directive. Additionally, it aimed to emphasize the use of geospatial data and services by professionals in the field and geodesy students.

ASIG’s General Director, Mr. Lorenc Çala, in his presentation, provided an overview of the steps and achievements of ASIG in establishing NSDI based on the rules and standards of the INSPIRE directive. He emphasized the need for further development in the geoinformation field based on user needs. To enable the tracking of technological developments, the importance of adapting study curricula for the geoinformation field was highlighted.

Leaders of ASIG presented key topics on Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), the National Geoportal, and the provision of its services in accordance with INSPIRE standards. The presentation covered data modeling based on approved standards, harmonization of existing data, and collaboration with projects funded by foreign donors. Special emphasis was given to the role and assistance of the IMPULS project in building the National Geospatial Information Infrastructure in Albania.
