ASIG coordinator for IMPULS Project Mr. Dritan Prifti attended the meeting of the Steering Committee of this project which was held on 18.10.2018 in Zagreb, Croatia. This meeting was attended by the heads of institutions responsible for geospatial data infrastructure of Western Balkan countries, part of this project.
The participants discussed the IMPULS project’s progress, achievements and eventual challenges until its completion, which is expected to be December 31, 2019. At this meeting, Mr. Prifti presented some of ASIG’s achievements such as;
Increase of public awareness on the benefits of geoinformation, professional development and training opportunities for capacity building of responsible public authorities, harmonization of geospatial data and creation of metadata for this data. Also reported the steps which has been taken to build a platform for delivering geospatial services according to dataexchange format standards, network service standards that will be used in the National GIS by broader users.
The project leaders highlighted the fact that ASIG is successfully fulfilling its geoinformation tasks alongside other countries of the region as well as the European Union countries.