Under the organization of JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), the meeting on the progress of the project “Geospatial information and sustainable land development in Tirana-Durres Area “, was held on 23.05.2019, at the premises of the Europa Hall. In this meeting were present, his excellency Ambassador of Japan, Makoto Ito, chief representative of JICA Balkan office, staff of the State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG), and professors and students of the Polytechnic University of Tirana from Geodesy Department.
The purpose of this meeting was to present the progress of ASIG’s project with JICA as well as the experience that ASIG students’ practitioners are receiving from this cooperation in providing basic knowledge in the field of cartography, photogrammetry and the use of contemporary technologies in the field of geoinformation.
In his greeting speech, General Director of ASIG, Lorenc Çala thanked the JICA team for the work done so far with this project, listed some finalized accomplishments by this cooperation, and highlight the necessity of exchanging experiences such as this, with the Japanese government, not only for the ASIG institution, but also for the academic field and the new generation of students in geodesy.
His Excellency Ambassador of Japan, Makoto Ito, in his speech praised the support that the Japanese government has given and will give to Albania, congratulated both JICA and ASIG teams for the work done regarding the project in question as well as the importance of creating opportunities for practical experience for graduated students.
At this meeting also greeted representatives of the Polytechnic University of Tirana as well as students of this university, who through a presentation showed their experience earned during the ASIG learning practice with the JICA team.