Mr. Dritan Prifti, Head of the Remote Sensing Sector at ASIG, participated in the Steering Committee meeting of the “IPA DRAM” Project (Disaster Risk Assessment and Mapping), held on November 15, 2018, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This activity involved leaders of civil protection agencies, institutions for risk and disaster management, as well as representatives from institutions playing a key role in the implementation of this project.
The aim of the project is to establish effective, coherent, and EU-oriented national systems for collecting data on losses due to natural disasters, risk assessment, and mapping, as well as extending and integrating them into the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism.
During this meeting, the ASIG representative informed attendees about the main achievements of the institution in its coordinating role for building geospatial information infrastructure in Albania. He also highlighted the services provided through the National Geoportal, where all geospatial information produced by public institutions is published.
Access to this data is crucial for creating a risk map and the Regional Electronic Risk Atlas (ERRA), which is one of the main products of this project.