Under the direction of Ms. Majlinda Dhuka, Director of the Department of Governance Development at the Prime Minister’s Office and Chair of the Geospatial Information Board, an online meeting of the Geospatial Information Board – BIG was held on June 8, 2020. During this meeting, ASIG presented important documents related to the National Geospatial Information Infrastructure in Albania, which enable interoperability and standardization of geospatial information.
The geoinformation standards were presented and approved as follows:
-“State standards for technical specifications of geospatial information in Albania – theme “Geodetic reference frame determination and geodetic control”
-“State standards for technical specifications of geospatial information in Albania – theme “Geographic network system”
– “State standards for technical specifications of geospatial information in Albania – theme “Protected areas”
– “State standards for technical specifications of geospatial information in Albania – theme “Land cover”
– “State standards for technical specifications of geospatial information in Albania – theme “Land use”
– “State standards for technical specifications of geospatial information in Albania – theme “Natural risk zones”
Representatives of the project that collaborates with MZHBR also presented the GIS project of AZHBR, which was approved in principle