The General Director of the State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG), Mrs. Vilma Tomço welcomed in a visit to the premises of ASIG, Dr. Shimrit Maman, Scientist and Head of the Earth and Planetary Imagery Service, as well as Head of the UN-SPIDER Israel Regional Support Office accompanied by Her Excellency, Mrs. Galit Peleg, Ambassador of Israel in Albania and Counselor for the Economy at the Embassy of Israel Mr. Klajdi Heta.
Ms. Tomço recognized Mrs. Maman with the mission and achievements of ASIG in the creation of the National Geospatial Information Infrastructure (NSDI), in the Republic of Albania. The attendees also had the opportunity to learn about the extensive activity of dr. Maman as the leader of diverse programs in education, development programs for science as well as her involvement in the research team that led the first Israeli nanosatellite, launched into space on February 15, 2017.
During this meeting, ideas were exchanged on cooperation opportunities between ASIG and counterpart institutions in Israel.