Cooperation Agreement between the State Authority for Geospatial Information and the University of Tiran

The cooperation agreement between State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG), represented by the General Director Ms. Vlima Tomço and the University of Tirana (UT) represented by the Rector Mr. Artan Hoxha was signed today at the premises of the Tirana Rectorate.

This agreement consists of several key points such as:

• Identification, promotion, support and cooperation in projects of common interest, in the field of geoinformation, technology, promotion and marketing of products.

• Cooperation for the application and implementation of joint national and international scientific projects, joint organization of conferences, symposiums, congresses, seminars, etc.

• Promotion, support and implementation of joint activities in the field of education, training, scientific research and the provision of professional and teaching practices.

In her speech, the Director General, Ms. Tomço, emphasized that this partnership is the result of a year-long work together with the Department of Geography, which also brought the right moment to strengthen and develop this cooperation. She assessed this agreement as an opportunity for all UT students, not only for those of the Faculty of History and Philology but also including the Faculty of Economics, that of Natural Sciences, etc.

Ms. Tomço emphasized scientific research and open lectures for students, emphasizing that this is also a good opportunity for the organization she leads, to further expand the horizons of cooperation, after the previous ones with the State Cadastre Agency, the University of Pristina, and AIC, ASPA and other institutions.

For his part, Rector Hoxha assessed this agreement as a good opportunity to benefit from the expertise and opportunities, thus enabling the activities of the UT to benefit the developments of society. He also emphasized that these are good opportunities for the university itself to offer expertise to other parties, in order to increase finances, as is also provided for in the Law on Higher Education.

Geospatial information for “Land Cover” published on the digital platform ArcGIS Online, Kurbin Municipalit

Following the work to create the thematic map “Land Cover” for all Local Government Units of the territory of the Republic of Albania, ASIG has published on the digital platform ArcGIS Online, geospatial information for “Land Cover” Kurbin Municipality. .

In the Web-Map of the ArcGIS Online platforms, land cover maps and other products obtained from satellite imagery have been compiled, Land Cover has been published for 30 municipalities and is in the process of analyzing 31 others.

The layers included:

1️. Vegetated areas;

2️. Vegetated areas;

3️. Forests;

4️. Urban areas;

5️. Water areas;

6️. Agricultural greenhouses.

The importance of land cover:

✅ Helps in the sustainable management of natural resources;

✅ Provides all for urban and rural planning;

✅ Monitors environmental changes;

✅ Improves land management for agriculture and forestry.

UAV survey with photogrammetry and LiDAR in the area of the Metallurgical Plant, Elbasan

Directorate of Remote Sensing Data Processing at ASIG and the UAV Imagery Processing Sector have carried out the UAV survey with photogrammetry and LiDAR in the area of the Metallurgical Plant, Elbasan.

This product includes the realization of a detailed photogrammetric and LiDAR survey, using the DJI Matrice 350 drone, equipped with the ZENMUSE P1 optical sensor and the L2 LiDAR sensor.

The obtained data were used to create orthophotos, digital terrain models and point clouds. This product serves as a basis for technical analyses, to support decision-making in urban planning and infrastructural development of the area.

ASIG participates in the international conference “Call to your country! Space, linguistic, historical and anthropological memory”

State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) participated on January 17, 2025, in the international conference entitled “Call to your country! Space, linguistic, historical and anthropological memory”, organized by the Institute of Anthropology, part of the Academy of Sciences of Albania.

This conference was chaired by Dr. Ledi Shamku Shkreli and at the beginning of it, academician Mr. Skënder Gjinushi, President of the Academy of Sciences of Albania (ASHS), assoc. prof. dr. Olsi Lelaj, Director of the Institute of Anthropology (ASHS), academician Valter Memishaj, Director of the Institute of Linguistics and Literature (IGJL), dr. Mirela Muço, Director of the National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation (AKKSHI), Dr. Vilma Tomço, Director of ASIG.

Ms. Tomço in her welcoming speech emphasized the importance of geospatial data today and how useful these data are for the academic world.

Also Denisa Kukaj, Head of the Geoinformation Standards Sector, made a detailed presentation on the work done by ASIG in collaboration with the Institute of Geography and Military Infrastructure (IGJIU) and IGJL regarding Geographical Names and the identification of repetitions of toponyms, reflecting and giving opportunities to the researchers who were present to continue further research in this field.

ASIG brings 360° photography of the Great Ring Road of Tirana

In order to create georeferenced panoramic photos of national road axes with advanced technology with Street View 360° cameras, and their continuous update, ASIG has carried out the photography and publication on the National Geoportal of the Great Ring Road of Tirana. In the context of the accuracy and updating of the information, this product has also been published on the digital platform Google Maps.

Length of the photographed Axis 29 km.

4858 Street View 360° photos published.

This project offers:

  • Georeferenced and updated photos;
  •  Detailed information on road infrastructure;
  •  A modern and comprehensive perspective of the city;
  • Support for urban planning and engineering projects;
  • A useful tool for tourism and virtual exploration;
  • Easy access for citizens, institutions and businesses.

Festive moments with the children of ASIG staff

As we celebrate this wonderful season greetings, we shared some moments of joy and happiness with those who bring more than anyone else happiness and blessings into our lives, our children’s staf.

Wishing them to grow up as healthy, happy, always curious, kind and courageous as possible, we hope they enjoy every moment with their families and have nothing but laughing and happy days.

We wish you all many happy years.

Online Meeting of the BIG Geospatial Information Board

Today, on 20.12.2024, the meeting of the BIG Geospatial Information Board was held online under the chairmanship of the board chairman, Mr. Ermal Nufi, Director of the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office.

All members of the BIG were present at the meeting.

The General Director of ASIG, Ms. Vilma Tomço, informed the board members about the latest legal changes that regulate the activity of ASIG, the achievements of this institution during 2024, the problems encountered, as well as the projects that ASIG has planned to develop during 2025.

The chairman of the board, Mr. Ermal Nufi, thanked the ASIG staff for the work done and gave his recommendations, especially regarding the use of satellite service products by public institutions. He also requested the technical departments of ASIG to prepare a detailed report for this purpose.

ASIG and the Department of Geography organize the GIS Day Forum

State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) in cooperation with the Department of Geography at the Faculty of History and Philology (FHF) of the University of Tirana, organized the GIS Day Forum today.

International GIS Day is organized around the world and aims to highlight the important role of Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) in making quick and fair decisions, in solving complex problems related to the environment, urban planning, development economic etc..

This forum moderated by a Sonila Xhafa, Head of the Department of Geography, was greeted by the Vice Rector of the University of Tirana, prof. dr. mrs. Anila Paparisto, General Director of ASIG dr. Ms. Vilma Tomço, Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology, prof. dr. Mr. Mark Marku and Vice President of the Academic Senate prof. dr. Sokol Axemi.


The “International GIS Day” forum brought together professionals and experts in this sector from public and private institutions, the academic and business world who shared their experience in various projects and applications of GIS, with the aim of promoting cooperation and innovation in technologies. geospatial.

The focus of their speech was the strengthening of cooperation between institutions and the academic world in order to increase human capacities through the preparation of new specialists in accordance with the country’s development priorities, conducting research expertise and integrating teaching with scientific research, for the use of opportunities created by technology in the field of geoinformation.

This forum assessed the importance of signing a cooperation agreement between the State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) and the University of Tirana, which is expected to be signed in the coming days.

Activities of ASIG within GIS Day

State Authority for Geospatial Information ASIG organized today some activities that precede the events within the framework of the International GIS Day (GIS Day).

Focusing on the importance of geospatial information today and the ever-increasing interest in the use of Geospatial Information Systems (GIS), ASIG organized a discussion forum with field and academic and technical experts as well as an open lecture with students from the Department of Geography, Faculty of History and Philology, University of Tirana, with the topic: “Monitoring the territory with Remote Sensing technology”.

Also today, an interactive lesson was held with the students of the “Karl Gega” Vocational High School, where the ASIG experts closely demonstrated the functionalities of the ASIG National Geoportal to the students of this school, and introduced them to the published geospatial data. in this Geoportal.

Training with the technical staff of the municipality of Përmet

The trainings for increasing the capacities of the technical staff of the country’s municipalities by the experts of  State Authority for Geospatial Information continue.

A training session with the technical staff of the Përmet municipality took place today at the premises of ASIG, where the topics covered in this training were:

  • Use and functionalities of the National Geoportal;
  • Data collection according to geoinformation topics for: Administrative units and the villages in their composition (order 4 and 5), Local road transport network;
  • Presentation of the products obtained from the Satellite Service project.