State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) is a partner in the SOFTMOVE project, a project co-financed by the Interreg IPA South Adriatic Program 2021-2027, and the European Union through the Pre-Accession Instruments (IPA III) as a cross-border cooperation program between Albania and Montenegro.

The SOFTMOVE project partners are ASIG, DTA Distretto Tecnologico Aerospaziale (IT) and NVU Digital Den.

SOFTMOVE aims to build cooperative relations and international partnerships that promote the use of drones, focusing on the operations and implementation of innovative aerial services and the use of space services, in order to respond to the needs of citizens in future cities (smart city), of the IPA area. Knowledge and capacity building are essential to improve the capabilities of the South Adriatic area in the use of drone technologies and to propose solutions to the problems of smart cities. The development of knowledge on unmanned aerial systems will be able to generate a positive economic impact on the domestic industry, thanks to the active participation of start-ups and SMEs that will be able to combine technologies and interdisciplinary skills.

A video that provides information about the “Street View 360º” service

The “Street view 360º” feature has been integrated into this geoportal as part of the initiative to enhance the National Geoportal of ASIG.

This service provides coverage of the road network on the territory of the Republic of Albania with 360° georeferenced images. With desktop software, it is possible to process imaging photos, position them correctly, and send the results to a web server. Users will be able to see 360-degree images where they are by accessing the photo database through the Internet at the National Geoportal, where the photo centers will be placed on an online map/orthophoto for an easier orientation.

Aplikacioni The “StreetView 360º” application provides a variety of tools for creating a database of georeferenced panoramic images for tracking and assessing the state of the road network in the Republic of Albania. With the use of this imaging database, the following tasks can be completed quickly and cheaply:

  • Management of the upkeep of the road axes that are contracted to commercial operators.
  • Management of expenditures for roadside infrastructure (signals, vegetation, lights, etc.)
  • Identifying the maintenance framework’s intervention-required regions.
  • Determining whether to make investments in road axes where none have been made.

The video created by ASIG is provided below if you want to learn more about this service.

Informative video about the “Street view 360º” service.

The workshop with the theme “NSDI Architecture in Albania and the Ongoing Progress of the SPATIAL II Project” is organized in collaboration with ASIG.

In the premises of the Europa Hall, a workshop on “NSDI Architecture in Albania and the Ongoing Progress of the SPATIAL II Project” was organized from January 31 to February 2, 2022. The workshop was attended by experts from the Dutch Cadastre Agency, the “Land Registry and Mapping Agency,” and representatives of the State Authority for Geospatial Information, ASIG. 

This workshop focused on the elements of the NSDI (National Spatial Data Infrastructure) architecture in Albania, the development of the National Geoportal, geospatial information data sharing, as well as future plans regarding the continuation of the SPATIAL II project.
