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Based on the decision of the Council of Ministers no. 395, dated 29.04.2015, “On the approval of the national program of work practices in the state administration and other public institutions,” amended, the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Youth announces the opening of the fourth call for the National Internship Program.

The application deadline is from February 8 to February 28, 2019.

The application is open to young professionals aged 21 to 26 who hold at least a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent.

The duration of the National Internship Program will be three months.

Details about the required profiles, the number of placements, and other information can be found on the dedicated link:

Participants will engage in an integrated work experience and interaction with career professionals in public administration, aiming to gain a qualifying experience that contributes to the development of their professional skills and practical expressions.

Dokumentet për aplikim:

a- CV

b-Diploma of completion of higher education studies;

c-Grade list;

d-A motivational letter

The application will be submitted online at the following link: 


