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State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG) participated in the online workshop organized within the EUROSEA project, a project funded by the European Union which aims at large-scale coordination in the European continent of national agencies that manage oceanographic and marine data, combining capacities and meeting existing gaps in the function of an international observing system.

This second edition took place online on May 4 and 5 in collaboration with the European Global Ocean Observing System (EuroGOOS). Specialists from the Geodetic Reference Frame sector and the CORS Systems Infrastructure sector participated in this workshop from ASIG.

The following issues were addressed during this event:

  • Global overview of networks, databases and data portals;
  • Status and future possibilities of the GNSS-IR technique;
  • Case studies based on tide gauge data (Mediterranean Area);
  • Automatic quality control and data processing (real-time and delay mode).

The ASIG specialists who participated in this event got acquainted with the latest news, the general situation and future commitments, and also established contacts with other counterparts participating in this workshop.