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In the premises of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, a workshop is taking place with the theme: “Capacity Building in Higher Education, BESTSDI Project”.

On the first day of this workshop, the General Director of ASIG, Mr. Lorenc Çala, delivered a presentation on the role, responsibilities, and achievements of ASIG in establishing the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) in the Republic of Albania.

The presentation highlighted the need to increase the capacities of professionals in the geoinformation field, the role of university curricula in this direction, and the need to align it with rapid technological developments.

The BESTSDI project (Evolution of academic education in Western Balkans and continuous professional training for geospatial information infrastructure) is undertaken under the Erasmus+ program to support higher education and capacity building at internationally required levels for the implementation of the European Directive 2007/2/EC “INSPIRE.”

The direct contribution of this workshop is the modification and improvement of university curricula to prepare professionals who will create and use geospatial information in accordance with European standards.

