Representatives of the State Authority for Geospatial Information (ASIG), chaired by the general director Loren Çala attended the closing event of the IMPULS project, which took place on November 13, 2019, in Banja Luka, Bosnie Herzegovina.
The purpose of this conference was to present the main achievements and results of the IMPULS project by the regional coordinators and leaders of the institutions responsible for cartography and cadastre from the Western Balkan countries, respectively from Kosovo, Albania, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnie Herzegovina. Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia and Croatia.
The main objectives of the project were:
·Implementation the INSPIRE Directive in the Western Balkans region by helping the beneficiary countries meet EU requirements in the field of geoinformation as well as contributing to economic development, transparency and the fight against corruption.
· Contribution of the geo-information sector through the interaction of data and services, to the development of E-Government of participating states at central and local level.