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On the premises of Tirana International Hotel, a workshop was organized on June 30 and July 1, within the SPATIAL II project, with the theme: “Strengthening professional access to information about land in the Western Balkan region”.

This workshop was attended by experts from Netherlands’ Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency (Kadaster) and heads of the SPATIAL II project, as well as representatives from mapping and cadastre agencies of Western Balkan.

Mr. Lorenc Çala, general director of the State Authority for Geospatial Information, in the role of host and co-organizer of this workshop, delivered the opening speech at this event.

Some of the issues addressed by the Dutch experts at this meeting were: registrations in the cadastre, charging of the services provided by the relevant agencies, innovation as well as developments of the NSDI in general.

The representatives of the Balkan agencies present in this workshop brought in their presentations, the achievements so far in the field of geoinformation, the problems encountered, their experiences in cooperation with the SPATIAL II project, and their future plans for the developments in the field of geospatial information as well as their expectation from this project.


