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Transparence Programme

State Authority for Geospatial Information

About the Authority

Legal Regulatory Framework
Complete Texts

The right to be informed and to complain

Control and monitoring mechanisms
operating on ASIG

Information on the budget and financial data of ASIG

Information on procurement
procedures/competitive procedures
for concession/public-private partnership

The services offered by ASIG

Procedures/mechanisms for providing opinions on the drafting of legislative/subsidiary acts, public policies, or in relation to the exercise of ASIG’s functions

The documentation management system, types, and formats of documents

The registry of requests and responses

Social assistance/subsidies provided by ASIG

Information/documents frequently requested and deemed useful for publication by ASIG

Based on Article 7 of Law No. 119/2014 “On the Right to Information” (hereinafter “RTI”), and in accordance with the Commissioner for the Right to Information and the Protection of Personal Data Order No. 187, dated 18.12.2020, “On the Approval of the Revised Transparency Program,” the Public Authority, the State Authority for Geospatial Information (hereinafter “ASIG”), publishes the approved Transparency Program (hereinafter “TP”) by the General Director of the Institution.

ASIG publishes information according to its functional activities and will review and update the TP in the event of any changes in institutional activities, regulatory legal frameworks, or any other element related to proactive transparency.

In ASIG’s TP, categories of mandatory information to be made public are specified. Public information without request must be: complete, accurate, up-to-date, easy to consult, understandable, easily accessible, and consistent with the original documents held by ASIG. Additionally, before publishing information, ASIG assesses whether there are any legal limitations on publication.

Acts containing rules, norms, or restrictions on fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, as well as those directly affecting them, are made public through posting on the official website within 48 hours of the act’s approval by the ASIG authority.

In the TP, categories of mandatory information to be made public, the manner of publication, and legal provisions giving rise to the obligation to publish are specified. In publishing information, ASIG considers the public interest to facilitate easy access to public information.

Public notification and consultation

Social assistance/subsidies provided by ASIG

  • Social assistance / subsidies provided by ASIG
  • Categories and forms of social assistance / subsidies
  • Procedure to receive social assistance / subsidies and relevant application documentation
  • Complaint procedure
  • Requests and Responses

Note: ASIG does not provide social assistance or subsidies